To further support the industry during this current health and economic crisis, the VMA is offering a 25% discount on  Single Unit Study enrolment fees for all current VMA members.

If you are not a VMA member and would like to receive this discount with your study, then contact us on 1300 001 862 or email finance@vma.org.au today. Our office will discuss your options of becoming a VMA member.

Unit Price
BSBLDR522 Manage people performance $315
BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans $315
BSBOPS504 Manage business risk $270
BSBPMG430 Undertake project work $270
BSBOPS505 Manage organisational customer service $180
BSBHRM523 Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals N/A
BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion $270
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness $270
BSBLEG522 Apply legal principles in contract law matters $270
BSBHRM525 Manage recruitment and onboarding $270
BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities $225
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability $225
TAEDEL301 Provide work skill instruction $180
BSBCMM411 Make presentations $135
BSBSTR601 Manage innovation and continuous improvement $315
BSBHRM614 Contribute to strategic workforce planning $270
BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems $225
CUAPPR406 Plan work space $100
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices $135
SITXFIN003 Manage finances within budget $135
SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships $270
SITEEVT016 Develop crowd management plans $135
SISXFAC003 Implement facility maintenance programs $100
PSPGEN048 Support workplace coaching and mentoring $225
SIRXCHA001 Facilitate the change process $180
SIRXMGT005 Lead the development of business opportunities $315


BSBCMM411 Make presentations

This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to prepare, deliver and review presentations for target audiences.

Nominal hours: 30

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBHRM614 Contribute to strategic workforce planning

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to contribute to development, implementation and maintenance of a strategic approach to workforce planning in an organisation ensuring that there is the structure and staff in place to meet current and foreseeable organisational objectives.

Nominal hours: 60

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au


BSBHRM525 Manage recruitment and onboarding

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage all aspects of recruitment and onboarding processes according to organisational policies and procedures.

Nominal hours: 60

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBHRM523 Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals. Particular emphasis is on the coordination of strategies to facilitate and promote learning and to monitor and improve learning performance.

Nominal hours: 60

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBLDR522 Manage people performance

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage the performance of staff that are direct reports. It covers work allocation and the methods to review performance, reward excellence and provide feedback. The unit makes the link between performance management and performance development and reinforces both functions as a key requirement for effective managers.

Nominal hours: 70

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBLEG522 Apply legal principles in contract law matters

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources and supply solutions to contractual issues in a legal environment.

Nominal hours: 60

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare, coordinate and review basic marketing activities. It is a foundation unit covering general and basic marketing activities that do not require detailed or complex planning or implementation.

Nominal hours: 50

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and monitor the implementation of operational plans to support efficient and effective workplace practices and organisational productivity and profitability.

Nominal hours: 70

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBOPS504 Manage business risk

This unit describes skills and knowledge required to manage business risks in a range of contexts across an organisation or for a specific business unit or area in any industry setting.

Nominal hours: 60

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBOPS505 Manage organisational customer service

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop strategies to manage organisational systems that ensure products and services are delivered and maintained to standards agreed by the organisation.

Nominal hours: 40

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBPMG430 Undertake project work

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to undertake a minor project or a section of a larger project. It covers developing a project plan, administering and monitoring the project, finalising the project and reviewing the project to identify lessons learned for application to future projects.

Nominal hours: 60

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBSTR601 Manage innovation and continuous improvement

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to sustain and develop an environment in which continuous improvement, innovation and learning are promoted and rewarded.

Nominal hours: 70

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and implement workplace sustainability policies and to modify the policy to suit changed circumstances.

Nominal hours: 50

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead diversity for a work area. It covers implementing the organisation’s diversity policy, fostering diversity within the work team and promoting the benefits of a diverse workplace.

Nominal hours: 60

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead teams in the workplace and to actively engage with the management of the organisation. At this level, work will normally be carried out using complex and diverse methods and procedures requiring the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement. It will also involve using a range of problem solving and decision-making strategies.

Nominal hours: 60

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop, implement and maintain a Work Health and Safety management system (WHSMS) or parts of a WHSMS.

Nominal hours: 50

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

CUAPPR406 Plan work space

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan the allocation and use of space consistent with a concept or business plan.

Nominal hours: 15

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

PSPGEN048 Support workplace coaching and mentoring

This unit describes the skills required to promote and support coaching and mentoring in the organisation. It includes developing, establishing and implementing a coaching and/or mentoring strategy and framework, and consolidating opportunities for further coaching/mentoring.

Nominal hours: 50

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

SIRXCHA001 Facilitate the change process

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to follow a change plan to implement a change and ensure the change is successfully accepted and embedded within the work environment.

Nominal hours: 40

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

SIRXMGT005 Lead the development of business opportunities

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to identify, analyse and implement programs that will provide opportunities for business growth.

Nominal hours: 70

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

SISXFAC003 Implement facility maintenance programs

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to implement a maintenance program for a facility, including monitoring equipment, supplies and assets.

Nominal hours: 7

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

SITEEVT016 Develop crowd management plans

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop plans and procedures for admitting, seating and dispersing crowds to ensure safety, security and well-being of personnel and participants. It requires the ability to use critical thinking, planning and organisational skills, combined with detailed knowledge of risk management issues, crowd control techniques and relevant emergency procedures.

Nominal hours: 30

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

SITXFIN003 Manage finances within a budget

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to take responsibility for budget management where others may have developed the budget. It requires the ability to interpret budgetary requirements, allocate resources, monitor actual income and expenditure, and report on budgetary deviations.

Nominal hours: 30

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish and manage positive business relationships. It requires the ability to use high-level communication and relationship building skills to conduct formal negotiations and make commercially significant business-to-business agreements.

Nominal hours: 60

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to implement predetermined work health and safety practices designed, at management level, to ensure a safe workplace. It requires the ability to monitor safe work practices and coordinate consultative arrangements, risk assessments, work health and safety training, and the maintenance of records.

Nominal hours: 30

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au

TAEDEL301 Provide work skill instruction

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct individual and group instruction, demonstrate work skills, and assess the success of training (including your own) training performance, using existing learning resources in a safe and comfortable learning environment.

Nominal hours: 40

Click here to see this course in training.gov.au



Zan Lewarn | Education Manager | Venue Management Association

education@vma.org.au | 1300 001 862

The Diploma of Venue Management (10807NAT) is registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and delivered under a partnership agreement with Registered Training Organisation (RTO), Amina Academy Pty Ltd (RTO 31532). Amina Academy is responsible for the quality of training and assessment provided and issuing all qualifications and statements of attainment.

For terms and conditions please click here.

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