Your ticket to connect, progress and grow

The Venue Management Association is your No. 1 venue industry network in the Asia-Pacific Region

With over 1000 Members across 16 countries, representing more than 300 venues across stadiums, arenas, conference and exhibition centres, performing arts, racetracks, showgrounds and associated industry suppliers. Join the VMA to expand your horizons, upgrade your knowledge, stay on top of industry trends and take advantage of a global network of industry professionals.


Join The Community

Join the community of industry professionals who love what they do and value the collective sharing of experience and knowledge.

Education & Training

Enjoy premium venue industry educational and training opportunities, including priority placement in the Venue Management School and Leadership Institute held in November each year.

Industry News

Access E-News publications and industry job advertisements, including the ability to broadcast information to the members (fees may apply). Also receive a complimentary subscription to Australasian Leisure Management magazine delivered 6 times annually.

Industry Networking

Take advantage of valuable personal networking opportunities through regional meetings and After 5! Networking Events.

Sponsorship & Advertising

Take advantage of sponsorship and advertising opportunities at our key events throughout the year, including our digital platforms and publications.

Asia-Pacific Venue Industry Congress

Receive discounted registration to the annual Asia-Pacific Venue Industry Congress, the single largest meeting of venue professionals in the Asia-Pacific region. Approximately 350 high-profile venue managers and industry professionals make it a priority to attend in May each year.

Advertise Your Jobs

Advertise your job opportunities directly to the venue industry through our membership network and target high-calibre candidates.

International Access

International Links Enjoy our international affiliation with the International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM) including access to all IAVM publications

Who's Who Directory

Gain recognition in the VMA’s annual ‘Who’s Who’ Directory. The Directory can be used to find the right person with the right answers, the right supplier with the product you need and network with your fellow members.

Free Email Subscription

A free subscription for people interested in keeping up to date with issues, events and news related to leading and managing venues. It’s not as awesome as a VMA membership but it is a way of keeping in the loop if you aren’t ready to join just yet.


From students to young professionals to senior executives, the VMA is your ticket to connect, progress and grow.

Download brochure.


ACTIVE membership is open to individuals involved in venue management, venue development and investment, venue operations, venue administration, teaching or research.

PRICE: AUD $400.40(inc gst)

Active members shall be persons who can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board a significant involvement in public venue management through the practise or provision of services in at least one of the following areas:

  • Venue Development and Investment – development of venues, venue procurement and disposal, venue construction and renovation;
  • Venue Operations – employed at any level in the day to day operation of venues;
  • Venue Administration – management or development of venue resources in the areas of: business operations, human resources management, information technology, financial administration, sales and marketing, legal, training or risk management;
  • Teaching or research in the area of venue management.

Active members shall be eligible for election to the VMA board, hold any position on committees or sub-committees and have full rights to the voting of motions, elections or nominations at any AGM or emergency/ special general meeting.

ALLIED membership is open to individuals who are suppliers to the venue industry.

PRICE: AUD $400.40 (inc gst)

Allied members shall be persons who wish to be allied to the public venue industry for professional reasons who do not fulfil the requirements for Active or Student membership.

Allied members shall be eligible for election to the VMA board, hold any position on committees or sub-committees and have full rights to the voting of motions, elections or nominations at any AGM or emergency/ special general meeting.

YOUNG PROFESSIONAL members are individuals who qualify for active membership or allied membership and are less than 30 years of age.

PRICE: AUD $104.50(inc gst)

Young professional members shall be persons who qualify for active membership or allied membership and are less than 30 years of age at the date of first becoming a member or renewing their membership (as the case may be).

Such members shall not be elected to the board and do not hold any rights to the voting of motions, elections or nominations at any AGM or emergency/special general meeting. However they may hold positions (excluding chair) on committees or sub-committees.

STUDENT members are individuals who are currently studying, but are not actively working in a full time position within the venue management industry.

PRICE: AUD $25.00 (inc gst)

Student members shall be persons who are currently studying a venue or associated industry course at a recognised education institution, but are not actively working in a full time position within the active member or allied member classifications.

Such members shall not be elected to the board or hold any position on committees or sub-committees and do not hold any rights to the voting of motions, elections or nominations at any AGM or emergency/ special general meeting.

The purpose of this membership classification is to foster association membership with the company to those students who are looking toward the public venue management or allied industries as a career.

FELLOW members are individuals that have maintained 15 years of continuous membership of the VMA.

Fellows shall be persons who have maintained a continuous financial membership of the VMA, at the active or allied level, for at least 15 years.

Additionally, any person who is a financial member of the VMA and has rendered special services either to the VMA or to the venue management profession may at the board’s discretion be eligible for fellowship.


The VMA Group Membership Package will allow venues and allied organisations to purchase a package of memberships for their direct employees at a reduced price point to standard individual memberships. Group membership provides:


  • Huge value for venues, allied organisations and employees
  • Significant cost savings and administrative efficiencies
  • Flexibility to manage and change which employees are included
  • Positioning of your company as an employer of choice and demonstration of your commitment to your staff and their success.


Download brochure.


VMA Group 5 Membership Package includes:
  • 24% savings on membership subscriptions
  • 5 employees as registered members
  • 1 complimentary posting per annum on the VMA Jobs Board
  • Access VMA members rates for all other company employees
  • Reciprocal membership rights for all registered members with the International Association of Venue Managers.

Price: $1700 AUD (Inc. GST)

Group Memberships are from the 1st Jan – 31st Dec – Price is prorated over the course of the year


VMA Group 10 Membership Package includes:
  • 30% savings on membership subscriptions
  • 10 employees as registered members
  • 2 complimentary posting per annum on the VMA Jobs Board
  • Access VMA members rates for all other company employees
  • Reciprocal membership rights for all registered members with the International Association of Venue Managers.

Price: $3,150 AUD (Inc. GST)

Group Memberships are from the 1st Jan – 31st Dec – Price is prorated over the course of the year

VMA Group 15 Membership Package includes:
  • 38% savings on membership subscriptions
  • 15 employees as registered members
  • 3 complimentary posting per annum on the VMA Jobs Board
  • Access VMA members rates for all other company employees
  • Reciprocal membership rights for all registered members with the International Association of Venue Managers.

Price: $4,200 AUD (Inc. GST)

Group Memberships are from the 1st Jan – 31st Dec – Price is prorated over the course of the year

Some of our Current VMA Corporate Members

Need to renew your membership?

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