Chronosoft, a Brisbane-based and Australian-owned company founded in 2015, has emerged as a leading player in the incident management and workforce solutions industry. With a strong focus on flexibility and adaptability, Chronosoft continues to innovate and evolve and caters to venues, nationally and internationally.

Chronicler, our flagship Software as a Service (SaaS) incident management platform, stands out for its customisability and configurability. Chronicler has been employed in stadiums and venues around the world including CBS Arena, Eden Park and Brisbane Entertainment Centre. Chroniclers offers real-time incident management capabilities, providing command centres with a comprehensive view of your environment. Chronicler captures time-stamped incidents, ensuring accountability through an automatic audit log and job report.

Chronicler enables seamless interoperability, allowing collaborative work on the same incident with multiple agencies. 3D venue mapping, along with SMS notifications and tailored fields for specific operations, enhance its functionality.

The Chronolink Mobile Application further improves accessibility, making it available for both Android and iOS devices. Chronicler’s innovative features empower organisations to proactively manage incidents, efficiently utilise resources, and keep teams coordinated and well-informed.

Orchestrator is Chronosoft’s intelligent rostering and workforce management system. Unlike traditional rostering platforms, Orchestrator is highly customisable and staff-centric. Orchestrator optimises venue workforce management, including capability for managing subcontractors, staff availability, accreditation validation processes, and complex awards. The system leverages data analytics to generate insightful reports, predict future service demand, and facilitate efficient event planning and scheduling.

Chronosoft’s commitment to continuous innovation and user-centric enhancements has established us as a trusted partner for venues seeking superior incident management, operational control, and workforce solutions globally.

Contact Information

  • Company Name – Chronosoft 
  • Contact Name – Edward Swete Kelly 
  • Contact Email – 
  • Contact Phone – +61 419173628 
  • Company Website –

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