Your VMA is a proud industry Association with almost 30 years of valued history and achievements in representing members. Like our membership, the VMA has suffered from the effects of the Covid crisis, with over 80% of our revenue base lost this year. As a result, the VMA Board has had to make some difficult decisions to ensure the long term financial stability of the Association.
Over the last 6 months the Association office has been running at reduced capacity, being manned Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only. This arrangement will continue for the next 3 months, after which it will be reviewed.
The VMA Board has also considered the medium to longer term staffing requirements and recently undertook a Business Structure Review to ensure we are best placed for 2021 and beyond to deliver on our operational needs and within our financial capacity. The end result of this review was the extremely difficult decision to make redundant two positions.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank our two outgoing employees whose roles have unfortunately been impacted. Both Maria Lamari (Events and Operations) and Laura Bedser (Marketing and Communications) will be finishing up with the VMA in November and I would like to acknowledge their valued contribution to the Association.
Maria has been ever present at all of our key events for over the past 8 years, greeting us all with a smile and ensuring After 5’s, schools and congresses have been run smoothly. Her enthusiasm and professionalism will be missed but her legacy and many of her relationships will live on.
Laura has been with us for 18 months and over that time has made a significant contribution to improving communications and marketing.
Rest assured our remaining team members of Michael, Amanda and Zan are there to meet our members’ needs and to continue the great work the Association undertakes.
Leighton Wood
President – VMA